Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♡
Color: ♥♥♥♥♡
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥♥
Overall: ♥♥♥♥♡
Review: First off, let me say that this was the fastest shipping ever. I purchased the 4-7 express shipping and my lenses were shipped out on the 8th and I got them today, on the 11th. So, it took three [3] days to get here. Tracking said it would be here by May 14th, so props to FedEx for being speedy this time around. I do not recommend standard shipping with PinkyParadise unless you live in and/or around Malaysia. (your shipping might get there faster and it might be cheaper.. or even free since you'd be so close.) USA customers, get priority or express shipping.

Since I just got these lenses today, I can show you how it looks when you get it. I did not use a coupon code, so there's no mystery gift to show, but if you'd like to receive a free gift, use promo code 'meevable' upon checking out of PinkyParadise. It comes in your typical brown envelope, shipping package ma-bob. Didn't take a picture of that because.. if you've received a package, you should know what it looks like. They keep their contact vials wrapped in this pink foamy stuff, so your stuff should stay safe on its trip to you. :D All contacts come with a free cutie animal lens case (random). To order these lenses,
CLICK HERE and don't forget to use that promo code when you're checking out!

I like to put my contacts in sterile solution before actually wearing them. Technically, you can wear them straight out of the vial, but I like to rinse them off before putting them in. Some people like to let their lenses sit over night in sterile solution.. well, whatever makes ya happy! I set them in and shake them around a bit. Makes me happy.
Natural sunlight, VGA front-facing camera |
Enlargement on these lenses.. you can tell there's enlargement! Big plus! Like your typical blue lens on dark eyes, the blue isn't bright. They look dark blue, but you can tell your eyes aren't black or brown.. you can tell they're.. blue. It's subtle, but it's nice. I like it more than the DM23 blue lenses or the aqua lenses that I have. Excuse my eyeballs, I've only been awake for about an hour and thirty minutes and I'm not gonna lie, I'm still sleepy. z__z
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I've been wearing these lenses for about 30 minutes and they're pretty comfortable. Being tired and having them in is a tab bit uncomfortable.. my eyes feel like I've been swimming in a pool with my eyes open for a while. I don't feel any lens discomfort or any shifting around on my eyeball, so I'm gonna go ahead and say that these lenses are comfortable. You can't go wrong with 42% water content, let me tell ya.
Anyways, for a blue lens, these are pretty good. My eyes look dark blue, you can tell my eyes are blue and not brown or black. If you want something brighter, I don't know what to tell you.. YET. I know the
Princess Pinky Twilight Blue is a very, very loud and very, very bright light blue, but it's so unnatural looking, I wouldn't recommend it.. unless that's what you're looking for. I'd probably never try those lenses out unless PinkyParadise gave me those lenses to review, so.. yep. There ya have it.
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Natural (lamp) light |
Natural (lamp) light |
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