Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This is my review blog for circle lenses and other beauty products purchased from PinkyParadise! I purchase all my circle lenses from this website solely on the fact because they have a wide variety of circle lenses to choose from. You’ll find different kinds of colors, designs, enlargements, brands, etc. Their customer service is also a huge, huge plus in my book. If I ever have an issue with a lens, they always assisted me and replaced anything that was damaged or helped out with any other issues I had. They may take a few days to respond to e-mails, but they DO reply to you in a decent, timely fashion and you will always have the customer service every person should have.

G&G Max Gold BlackCircle lenses are contact lenses that enlarge your iris’ to give an effect that normal contact lenses wouldn’t cause. These lenses are made to make your eyes appear larger and are also made in a variety of colors and patterns to give you a unique look to suit your style whether you are a cosplayer or are using them for the beauty and fashion part of it!

I understand that it’s difficult to purchase lenses because you’re usually unsure about how it’s going to look or if it’s going to be what you expect. My purpose with this blog is to help you out as much as I can with picking the right lenses or showing you certain lenses and colors that I have purchased myself in hopes that it will help you decide on what kind of lens you should buy! Everything reviewed here was purchased with my own money (unless stated otherwise) and I will do my best to review anything I have as well as anything you will suggest in the future!

All of my reviews are done on Tumblr! Links to the lens reviews will be on the LEFT side, so click on the brand name to view the review! I most likely will not be posting on blogger because I can't stand the new layout and the way things have to be done. Maybe when I have the patience, I'll transfer all of my Tumblr posts.

When purchasing lenses from PinkyParadise.com, use coupon code meevable when checking out to receive a free animal lens case + mystery gift! Share this coupon code with your friends so they can get cute stuff with their purchases as well!

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